Saturday, 15 December 2012

Thursday, 17 May 2012

PFT: Final Poster & Proof of Entry

My chosen poster which I submitted to the Poster for Tomorrow competition. This poster is based on the ratio of males and females in the world population which is 1:1. The logo came from the head shape of a generic male & female logo and the ratio symbol.  The poster highlights the gender equality in the world´s population but also maybe unearths a false stereotype that there may be alot more males than females.
The entry submission limit is 10 so I'll most likely be submitting a few more.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Anamorphic Project: Final Photos & Video

Final photos & video showcasing my anamorphic piece. Really enjoyed working on it and I think I'll definitely be trying a similar project again.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

PFT: Ratio Final Idea 2.1

I took a slightly different approach with the last idea, it wasn't working for me. I'm into 3D vectors  at the minute so I couldn't resist turning my 'O : E' logo into one. I think it looks alot better than where the last idea was going but the first poster seems to read alot better. I'm not sure if the message is clear enough in this poster.

PFT: Ratio Final Idea 2

Another slogan I wanted to try was 'Two genders, one equal right' which allows me to incorporate the ratio 'O : E' logos I designed previously.Although the slogans different I'm still using the same colour scheme and texture, might be an idea to try a different approach and see where that goes. My concern with this poster is that the population ratio isn't clear, the literal visual translation of 'O : E' doesn't read 'the male & female world population is 1:1'. Perhaps if the 'O' & 'E' was cyan & magenta then maybe it might make more sense.

PFT: Ratio Final Idea 1

This is one of the final poster ideas I'm running with based on the world population ratio of 1:1. I took my ratio logo from the last post into illustrator and turned it into a 3D vector which I think makes it look alot better. It was pointed out to me that the first poster below seemed more biased towards females, mainly I think because the frame is primarily magenta. I felt that a texture would work well in the background to just to make it a bit more visually interesting.

The next poster I made I made the frame black and added a crumpled paper texture in the background. The next thing that I thought about changing was the font, another factor I think into making the poster look more feminine. This led me to the 3rd & 4th posters below, I changed 'The ratio of females to males is 1:1,' to a more masculine font and left 'Surprised' unchanged. I think this works alot better but just to try it out I did a version with cyan & magenta text. Having just cyan & magenta in the logo makes the male & female representation alot stronger.

UPDATE: Just spotted the spelling mistake...

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Anamorphic Project: Painting

Below are the photos showing the progress of the anamorphic painting. It took sometime to get the logo looking right, since there's no exact science to it I have to do it by eye using Photoshop. After that was sorted I was good to go!
Painting the piece took alot of time, the wall isn't plastered so I spent most of my time dabbing the paint into all the tiny holes in the breeze blocks. All worth it in the end though :)
Some small parts need touched up along with the final photos and video.

Distorted logo that was projected